by admin | Jan 26, 2022 | News
In some exciting news on the space front, the James Webb Space Telescope, which launched on Christmas Day in 2021, has reached its final destination. Webb is the most powerful telescope ever built and is about the size of a tennis court. Over this last month, it had...
by admin | Jan 20, 2022 | News
On Saturday, January 15th, a powerful undersea volcano erupted near Tonga, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, covering the group of islands in a thick layer of ash. A 4-foot wave swept ashore in the Tongan capital, leaving behind flooded homes and structural damage....
by admin | Jan 5, 2022 | News
Happy New Year 2022 – wishing you all health and happiness! In this Science Wednesday, learn more about Maine’s highpoint, Katahdin, and the Appalachian Mountains. Here is a link to the new video. #sciencewednesdays #summitssongsandscience
by admin | Dec 29, 2021 | News
Come explore the ancient landscape of west Texas, home to Guadalupe Peak, the state highpoint at 8,750 feet! Here is a link to the new video. #sciencewednesdays #summitssongsandscience
by admin | Dec 22, 2021 | News
Travel with us down to Antarctica and explore the different penguin species during this week’s special holiday Science Wednesday! Here is a link to the new video. #sciencewednesdays #summitssongsandscience