The DART mission – September 28, 2022

The DART mission – September 28, 2022

If you’ve seen the movie, Armageddon, then you’re familiar with the idea of planetary defense. While no drillers were sent out to stop a gigantic asteroid on a collision course with Earth this week, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was a smashing...
Extraterrestrial Life – September 21, 2022

Extraterrestrial Life – September 21, 2022

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) hasn’t been up in space for very long, and yet already it is taking unprecedented images in high-resolution. Its infrared vision allows us to “cut through the cosmic dust” to see some of the earliest structures in the universe in...
Uptick in Ticks – September 14, 2022

Uptick in Ticks – September 14, 2022

This summer has seen an uptick in ticks and tick infections. Is this normal? Or, a “new normal”? When weather is warmer and spring starts earlier, people are outside more often, allowing for more “human-tick” encounters to occur. But what about the ticks themselves?...
Pakistan Flooding – September 7, 2022

Pakistan Flooding – September 7, 2022

More than 1300 people have died and 33 million people have been impacted by unprecedented flooding in Pakistan. That latter number is more than the entire population of Texas! This is happening in a country that’s produced less than 1% of total global greenhouse gas...
COVID and Clots – August 31, 2022

COVID and Clots – August 31, 2022

There have been many reported cases of mild COVID infections turning into more troublesome long COVID cases, lasting months, if not years, with a wide array of symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, and heart palpitations. What’s causing this?...